Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beer Reveiw #19

Tyskie Gronie
5.5% Alcohol/Volume
Tyskie Browary
Euro Pale Ale

Appearance: Poured into a glass it forms a nice head and
                    that dissipates down to a thin ring. The beer
                    itself is a brilliant gold and very clear. I smell
                    bread and yeast, however my wife smells citrus
                    and grass.
                    Score: 4/5

Taste: At first I taste the citrus that my wife smelled, like the
          beer was sprayed with a lemon wedge.  The citrus
          gives way to a  bready beer that reminds me of
          sourdough bread.
          Score: 2.5

Mouthfeel: It is a very active bubbles that are soft and mild. The beer is nice on
                 the tongue and finishes a little dry. As it finishes the beer is just a little
                 bitter, but it isn't overpowering.

Beer Type:  Euro Pale Ale are meant to be about 4-6% alc/vol, have moderate
                   bitterness, be sweet and have hop flavor. Tyskie is moderatly bitter
                   sweet, and falls in the alcohol range.
                   Score 3.5/5

Drinkability:  First off this is a Polish beer, and is decently priced for an import.
                    I don't find it overly refreshing, or interesting. However it does cross
                    another country off the list, its just not a beer to write home about.
                    Score 3/5

Scoring 16/25 Slightly better than average. It would be one I would recommend
                       to give a try to see if it is something you would enjoy.

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