Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beer Review #18

Molson M
4.9% Alcohol/Volume
Molson Breweries
American Adjunct Lager

Appearance: Clear and straw yellow in color.
                     I guess the tiny bubbles are what
                     makes it micro-carbonated. They
                     are very active and very small.
                     Score 3/5

Taste: Thin on the flavor for sure. It wasn't bitter and has a pleasant aftertaste.
          Despite all the bubbles in the glass I would say it was flat.
          Score 3/5

Mouthfeel: It is a very light beer. I could drink more than a few and not feel
                 weighed down or bloated.  The bubbles are soft and small so it
                 makes the beer feel like it is flat. In spite of the flat feeling the beer
                 is very crisp and smooth. All I can say about it is that it feels flat,
                 but in a good way.
                 Score: 4/5

Beer Type: Again this is the most popular style of beer so it is meant to be
                 pretty boring. Thin on taste and fizzy. Molson M does a good
                 job of this, even if it feels flat.
                 Score 4/5

Drinkability: This one is good because it wont weigh you down. The worst thing
                   about most beer is you feel bloated after more than one. This beer
                   was designed to remedy this. It has a smooth mild taste which
                   makes it good for any occasion or beer drinker.
                   Score 5/5

Scoring 19/25 This beer will be on the market in Alberta this week (Feb 25)
                       I suggest everyone give it a try. Its one of the most unique 
                       mainstream beer Ive tried.

Beer Review #17

Chimay Blue Cap (Grand Reserve)
9% Alcohol/Volume
Bieres de Chimay (Abbay Notre Dame de Scourmont)
Belgian Strong Ale 

Appearance: A large amount of rich creamy foam
                    floats on top of a dark opaque beer.
                   The color reminds me of new oil. Looks
                   much thicker than it is. Smells a little of 
                  Score 4/5

Taste: Holy booze Batman! I guess the 9% is very prominent in the 
          taste. Its followed by a little sweetness. I tasted caramel and
          sweet molasses, my wife on the other hand said it had no 
          flavor, but more on that later.
          Scoring: 4.5/5

Mouthfeel: Soft but heavy like a brick. This one would weigh you 
                 down fast. There is a little more of a yeast flavor and  
                 a mild bitter finish.
                 Scoring: 3.5/5

Beer Type: One of the main qualities of a Belgian Strong ale is 
                  it is meant to be complex. So when I tasted molases
                  and my wife tasted nothing, I feel this is just the 
                  complexity of the beer. They are also supposed to 
                  either taste of fruit, caramel, or spice, and be very
                  heavy on the booze content.
                  Score 4/5

Drinkability: This one is definitely a beer that is a treat for me.
                   Its boozy and very heavy, so it would only be maybe
                   one or two beer, before I would be done. A bit pricey
                   but its uniqueness and specialty make it one to at 
                   least try once. 
                   Score 3.5/5

Scoring  19.5/25  Drink beer for flavor? This one would be one
                            for everyone who likes something new and 

Beer Review # 16

Pale Ale
5.2% Alcohol/Volume
Little Creatures Brewing
American Pale Ale

Appearance: Soft red/orange in color. Tangerine
                    if I had to give it a name. Decent
                    amount of bubble action, and smells
                    of mandarin oranges.
                    Score 4/5

Taste: Ive never had an Australian beer before, so i was excited for a unique
          flavor. Sweet, a little fruity flavor with a nice dry, but not a bitter finish.
         One of the best first drinks of beer Ive ever had.
         Scoring 5/5

Mouthfeel:  I was happy this beer was so soft and smooth. The carbonation
                  was nice and balanced much like the flavors. The bitterness of
                  this beer I found came in the middle and then finished nice
                  and dry.
                  Scoring 4/5

Beer Type: The British versions of this beer are meant to be buttery and malty,
                  while the American Versions are mean to be crisp and clean.
                  Since this one is from Australia I think the balance between the
                  two is a perfect match
                  Score 5/5

Drinkability: Smooth, light and great taste. Would be a staple in my fridge
                   if it wasn't INSANELY expensive. At $20 a 6 pack price is
                   this beer's only flaw.
                   Score 3.5/5

Scoring: 21.5/25 This beer is worth the cost for the flavor and balance.
                          One I would recommend but not one to share.

Beer Review# 15

Lion's Winter Ale
5.5% Alcohol/Volume
Granville Island Breweries
Winter Warmer

Appearance: Dark red and clear, like strong tea.
                    Smells sweet, but cant identify exactly,
                    perhaps maple?Ginger?
                    Scoring 4/5

Taste: Sweet, like flat root beer, lots of vanilla, some cinnamon,and
          spices. Super low on bitterness. Makes me think of chirstmas
          or a cold winter's day.
          Scoring 4/5

Mouthfeel: So subtlety soft carbonation,still tastes of vanilla, and not
                 bitter at all. Very mellow, with good weight.
                 Scoring 4/5

Beer Type: Winter warmers are meant to be sweet, not bitter, well balanced
                  and can be very boozy. This one fits the bill very well but i think
                  they could of added a little more to alcohol level to really warm
                  up the beer.
                  Scoring 4/5

Drinkability: Strong flavor, and slight weight of this beer will limit it quantities of
                   this one I could drink at one time, but for the intended style I think
                   it is really great.
                  Scoring 4/5

Scoring: 20/25 These beer are worth the cost.(in this case its not much on the
                        expensive side). Good to share and drink for flavor.

Beer Review #14

Rickard's Red
5.2% Alcohol/Volume
Molson Breweries
American Red/Amber

Appearance: Of course this beer pours a hearty rust Red,
                    with a good amount of foamy head. The tiny
                    active bubbles make it quite attractive beer.
                    Score 4/5

Taste: A nice balanced flavor of spice, semi sweet yet mild caramel. Pleasant
          to the tongue and seems soft and light.
          Score 4/5

Mouthfeel: Starts to get a little heavy after a drink or two. It has a nice mild
                 carbonation with bit of a bite at the end. The dry finish makes it
                 rather refreshing.
                 Scoring 3/5

Beer Type: American amber/Red Ales are a balanced beer, with toasted malt
                 characters and a light fruitiness. Rickard's Red has the toast, and is
                 very balanced, but lacks anything to push it from the middle of the
                Scoring 3/5

Drinkability: It first tried this beer in a pub, and I think that is its home. Its a
                   great pub brew, with some wings or salt. Nice to take one home
                   but not one id take to the lake.
                   Scoring 4/5

Scoring 18/25 Slightly beer than average. It would be one I would try in larger
                       quantities with some friends at a pub.

Beer Review #13

Rickard's Dark
4.8% Alcohol/Volume
Molson Breweries
English Porter

Appearance: The beer pours into the glass a
                    reddish dark caramel color, that is
                    clear with a lasting foamy head.
                    Score 4/5

Taste: Semi Sweet taste with a toasted and smoke smell and taste.
          The sweetness comes from a very mild maple hint.
          Score 4/5

Mouthfeel: It has a soft feel and surprisingly light for a dark beer.
                 The carbonation is a little harsh and finishes slightly
                 Score 4/5

Beer Type: English Porter's are a unique style of beer. They are meant
                  to be dark in color, malty with a roasted flavor, and be slighlty
                  bitter. For a mass produced beer it fits fairly well.
                  Scoring 3/5

 Drinkability: Slight weight of the beer as well as the bitterness works
                    against its drinkability.  It would work well with food.
                    Its a nice beer to use in a recipe that calls for a dark beer.
                    Scoring 4/5

 Scoring 19/25 Slightly beer than average. It would be one i would try in larger
                       quantities with some friends at a pub.

Beer Review #12

Tsingtao lager
4.8% Alcohol/Volume
Tsingtao Breweries
American Adjunct Lager

Appearance: Pours to a crystal clear apple juice color.
                    Has no head at all and smells tangy and
                    has a strong beer scent.
                    Scoring 2/5

Taste: It is soft and has a slightly stinging burn of bubbles, and a mild
          aftertaste, that followed a rather bland beer flavor.
          Scoring 3/5

Mouthfeel: Had a rather strong beer taste, with no unique flavor.
                  The beer finishes dry with a little bit of a harsh aftertaste.
                  The beer itself wasn't bitter and had a decent amount of
                  carbonation despite the lack of head.
                  Scoring 3/5

Beer Type: The beer was not bitter, had a decent amount of carbonation
                  and not much for flavor. Basically it fits the description pretty
                  Scoring 4/5

Drinkability: Its not the greatest beer, but on a hot day it would be O.K.
                   Since the beer is from china, it would be a good fit for some
                   Chinese food or on a theme night.
                   Scoring 4/5

Scoring 16/25 Slightly beer than average. It would be one i would try in larger
                      quantities, like at the lake or a sporting event.

Beer Review #11

Old Milwaukee
5% Alcohol/Volume
Sleeman Breweries
American Adjunct Lager

Appearance: Pours with a decent head
                    that lasts. Nice clear straw
                    yellow color that is very
                    clear and has many active
                    Score 3/5

Taste: I was leery of this particular beer because of its "old time beer" attitude.
          A can that has girls on the side must mean the beer is terrible. However
          I was very surprised.  Old Milwaukee has a mild taste that is very clean
          Scoring 3/5

Mouthfeel: The second try of the beer was much the same as the first. It was
                 not bitter, the carbonation was light and the bubbles did not sting
                 the tongue and no aftertaste was to be found.
                 Scoring 3/5

Beer type: I really feel that this is the beer that all other American adjunct
                lagers will be measured up to. The style of beer is not meant to
                be one you'd drink for flavor or for class. Its one you drink to
                enjoy a refreshing beer, and then have six more.
                Scoring 5/5

Drinkability: Easy drinking, mild and light. Exactly what a good drinking beer
                   should be. Good for watching the game, beer pong, or out at the
                   lake. The lower price helps too!
                   Score 4/5

Scoring: 18/25  Slightly beer than average. It would be one I would try in larger
                        quantities, like at the lake or a sporting event.

Beer Review #10

Corona Extra
4.6% Alcohol/Volume
Grupo Modelo
American Adjunct Lager

Appearance: Pour to a flat clear pale yellow color.
                    Just that right color were it was very 
                    unappealing to the eye.
                    Score: 2/5

Taste: The traditional malt taste of  beer was about its only defining thing about
          this beer. Must be why they add lime to it. It was very flat and had a
          mild bitter finish
          Score 2/5

Mouthfeel: Light Mild carbonation with a minimal aftertaste. Lacks flavor.
                 Score 2/5

Beer Type: Was surprised at the malt taste. Most American adjunct lagers
                  are low malt. Maybe this is Mexico's take on it. Lacked
                  good carbonation as well.
                  Score 2/5

Drinkability: I will say this about corona, on a hot day you could fly through
                   the case. Goes down nicer than water and with a wedge of lime
                   it would be very drinkable. Easy drinking and lack of strong
                   flavor makes it a good drinking beer.
                   Score 4/5

Scoring 12/25 Not the best beer in the world but not the worst for sure.
                        You could do a lot worse!

Beer Review #9

Samuel Smiths Nut Brown Ale
5% Alcohol/volume
Samuel Smith Old Brewery
English Brown Ale

Appearance: A pour of a nice hearty red brown, almost
                    maple in color. It was nice and clear even
                    with the dark color. It was the perfect color
                    to make me wanna have a sip.
                    Score 4/5

Taste: First taste was smooth at the start with a mild bitterness at the
          finish. I found it quiet pleasant and the bitterness was not over
          Score 4/5

Mouthfeel: The second drink revealed much more about the beer.
                 Roasted Almonds and nuts flavored this semi  sweet beer.
                 The strong flavor and soft bubbles made way for the
                 slightly more than average bitter finish.
                 Score 4/5

Beer type: An English brown ale is meant to be maliter, sweeter, with a
                full body, with fruit or nut flavor. Id say this one fits the bill
                very well
                Score: 4/5

Drinkability: Due to the rich flavor and weight of the beer I couldnt see
                   myself drinking these all night. Maybe in England but not here
                   A couple for the flavor and taste but not many more than that.
                   That being said I think that is what this beer is meant for, other
                   than for drinkers in England.
                   Score 4/5

Scoring: 20/25  These beer are worth the cost.(probably because they are
                        expensive. Good to share and drink for flavor.

Beer Review #8

Rickard's White
5.4% Alcohol/volume
Molson Breweries
Style: Belgian white Beer (Witbier)

Appearance: When the beer was poured into the glass it
                    created a good foamy two inches of head.
                    The beer itself remained fairly cloudy and the
                    color of apple cider, with lots of active bubbles.
                    Score: 3/5

Taste: Rickard's white smelled of peach and seemed very fruity in aroma.
          The first taste defineltly had a taste of citrus, but was flat in the mouth
          with not much action from the carbonation.
          Score 3/5

Mouthfeel: Upon closer examination the beer was very light and dry. Had a slight
                 hint of an trailing aftertaste. It didnt have a bitter bite to it and the
                 bubbles were soft on the tongue.
                 Score 3/5

Beer Type: Witbier are meant to be Cloudy, pale, taste of orange and spice
                  flavors, with decent carbonation. I feel the carbonation was a little
                  lacking and didnt taste much of  spice and lacked some clear
                  orange flavor.
                  Score 3/5

Drinkability: The Dry finish of this beer makes it a good one for a pub. Something
                   to have to help add to the flavor of something spicy or salty. It isn't
                   the best for this style of beer, but its a good starter for the category.
                   Score 3/5

Scoring 15/25 Not the best beer in the world but not the worst for sure.
                       You could do a lot worse!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Beer Review # 7

Blanche De Chambly
5% Alcohol/volume
Unibroue Breweries
Style: Belgian white Beer (Witbier)

Appearance: Cloudy orange gold when poured into a
                    glass. Good amount of head and lots of
                    carbonation. Looks very tasty.
                    Score: 4/5

 Taste: This beer was a surprise to me. I have had white beers before and they
           weren't all that good. This one was off the charts. Semi sweet taste,
           with hints of citrus, mostly orange.
           Score 4/5

Mouthfeel: Champagne like bubbles make this beer super light. A small amount of
                 bitterness, smooth and has a very mellow taste.
                 Score 4/5
Beer Type: Witbier are meant to be exactly what this beer is. Cloudy, pale,
                  orange and spice flavors, with decent carbonation.
                  Score 4/5

Drinkability: For the large amount of flavor this beer is very drinkable. Easy to
                   drink enjoyable and refreshing. I found the 750ml bottle I
                   sampled was gone too fast.
                  Score 5/5

Scoring 21/25 This beer is worth the cost.Good to beer share and savor for

Beer Review #6

Innis & Gunn Original
6.6% Alcohol/volume
Style: English Pale Ale

Appearance:Browned Honey in color. Clear and
                   forms a nice head when poured into
                   a glass. Seems very inviting and
                   Score 4/5

Taste:  Tastes sweet, slight caramel taste as well of hints of oak and spice.
           Reminds me of a honey brown beer.
           Score 4/5

Mouthfeel: Spicy, Cinnamon and nutmeg. The beer is lightly sweet with a
                 noticeably light higher alcohol taste. The higher alcohol is
                 hidden really well and maintains its nice smoothness. The beer
                 has a little extra weight to it with an almost buttery thickness.
                 Score 4/5

Beer Type:  This type of beer uses hard water which helps with the clarity as
                   well as enhancing the hop bitterness. This ale can be from golden
                   to reddish amber in color. A mix of fruity, hoppy, earthy, buttery
                   and malty aromas and flavors can be found. Innis and Gunn did
                   an amazing job with this beer. Improving on the style enough to
                   hide the expected extra bitterness.
                   Scoring 5/5

Drinkability: This is about the only part of the whole review that i have anything
                   bad to say. Due to its high flavor, and price (mid-high) Innis & Gunn
                   Original is not overly drinkable. 3-4 beer maximum.
                    Score 3/5

Scoring 20/25 This beer is worth the cost.Good to beer share and drink for flavor.

Beer Review #5

Bud Light
4% Alcohol/Volume
Style: Light Lager

Appearance: Bright Neon straw yellow in color.
                    Crystal Clear. Did not find the beer
                    super attractive in color.
                                                   Score 2/5

Taste: Mild beer taste, which is nothing unique or interesting middle
          of the road.
          Score 3/5

Mouthfeel: Mild beer taste, mild aftertaste. Nothing unique or
                 standoffish. Has a slight bitter sting with the aftertaste.
                 Score 3/5

Beer Style: Light Lagers are meant to have low flavor, be light clean 
                  and bubbly. That being said it fits the description very well.
                  Score 4/5

Drinkability: Ice cold 6 Pack with some BBQ on a hot day is definitely
                   what this beer was designed for. I guess thats why so many
                   of their commercials portray it as such. Its drank for easy
                   drinking not flavor
                   Score 4/5

Score: 16/25 Not the best beer in the world but not the worst for sure.
                  You could do a lot worse!

Beer Review #4

Alexander Keith India Pale Ale
 5%  Alcohol/ Volume
Labatt Breweries
Style: English India Pale Ale

Appearance: India Pale Ale indeed. Pale gold in color.
                    Clear yet plain, not overly pleasant but
                    not overly off putting either.
                    Score 3/5

Taste: Comes off pleasant, not bitter and takes a wait for a mild aftertaste.
          Has a slight oak taste.
          Score 3/5

Mouthfeel: Strong carbonation but not overpowering. Has mild bitterness a slight
                 aftertaste that is very acceptable
                 Score 4/5

Beer Style: This style of beer was brewed in england and sent to the troops in
                  India, hence India pale ale. Traditionally it was brewed to about
                  9% and then watered down to give to the troops. Generally
                  tasted of malt and hops. Alexander Keith IPA does a decent
                  job of it.
                  Score 3/5

Drinkability: Average beer  that could be enjoyed all year round. Winter or
                   summer. I think it would be a 5 Point beer if it was either
                   brewed to a stronger alcohol content or maybe slightly
                   watered down, like the soldiers got.
                  Score 4/5

Scoring 17/25 Slightly beer than average. It would be one i would try in larger
                      quantities, like at the lake or a sporting event.

Beer Review #3

Molson Canadian
5% Alcohol/Volume
Molson Breweries
Style: American Adjunct Lager

Appearance: When poured into a glass it had a good
                    amount of bubbling. It almost appears as
                    a brass color. Very clear. Oddly reminds
                    me of apple juice in look.
                   Score 3/5

Taste: The beer itself has very much the expected "beer" taste. The flavor wasn't
          very strong, but it did come with a bit of an unpleasant after taste.
          Score 2/5

Mouthfeel: Man is this one carbonated. Makes the beer super fizzy, almost like a
                 bottle of Coca-Cola.  The fizz almost burns the tongue. Really masks
                 the little flavor there was and brings out the bitterness.
                 Score 2/5

Beer Style: Plain as plain can be. The extra carbonation brings it down a couple
                  Score 3/5

Drinkability: I find the bitterness and the super overdone carbonation makes
                   This a tough sell to me. Shot gun or on a hot day perhaps.
                   Score 2/5

Scoring:  12/25  Not the best beer in the world but not the worst for sure.
                        You could do a lot worse!

Beer Review #2

Lucky Lager
4% Alcohol/Volume
Brewed By Labatt Canada
Style : American Adjunct Lager

 Appearance: Burnt Yellow almost soft Golden color. Oddly
                     small amount of bubbles in the glass.
                                           Score 2/5

                       Taste: Slight flavor, almost seems slightly watered down.
                                 Had no after taste and was not bitter at all.
                                 Score 2/5

                        Mouthfeel :  All in all it is a very mild beer, with little to no
                                           Flavor at all. Soft and very light.
                                           Score 3/5

                        Beer Style: American Adjunct Lagers are meant to be light
                                          bodied, low on bitterness and small on flavor.
                                          Lucky Lager is pretty plain Jane. However
                                         the extra low carbonation cost it some points.
                                         Score 2/5

                         Drinkability: Watered down, goes down smooth and painless
                                           this beer could easily be a light beer. Personal
                                           opinion is it is meant to be drank for enjoyment
                                           not flavor. Cost helps drinkability as it is a low
                                           cost lager.
                                           Score 4/5

                       Scoring 13/25 Not the best beer in the world but not the worst
                                             for sure. You could do a lot worse!